자료는 공유하고 퍼 오긴 했는데.. 무슨 말을 하는지 도통 알수가 없어유~!ㅋㅋ
언젠가 HL2HI 이om께서 Noise로 힘들어하는 제게 중요한 정보를 주셨습니다.
HAM이라면 한,두개씩은 갖고 있을 "Ferrite core를 전원부에 설치하라"
그런데, 그 Ferrite core를 각 기기나 장비의 입,출력부에 설치하지 말고..
각 가정의 분전반에 설치하여야 한다고~~!
HL2HI 이om님의 정보를 바탕으로 아래와 같이 실시해 보았습니다.
한두개 정도는 갖고 있거나 이미 사용하고 있는 Ferrite core모양..
제집 분전반이 조금 지저분하긴 하지만... 어찌하든 그림과 같이 설치했습니다.
ELB 1차에 2게, ELB 2차에 1개. 합 3개를 설치한 그림..
Ferrite core큰 것을 사용하고 관통되는 전선을 2~3회 감으면 효과 증대됨다고 함.
IC-7300의 수신장면.. 좌측 SPECTRUM을 참조
파란바탕에 하얀부분이 입력되는 전파 또는 NOISE PETTERN GRAPH
아래 자료는 QRZ site에 소개된 내용을 발췌해 보았습니다.
EXAMPLE -1 (자료출처:https://qrznow.com/transceiver-rfi-kit-5-noise-reduction-filters/)
This kit will help reduce or eliminate: 1. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) to electronic devices including audio/video systems, computers, telephones, garage door openers, alarm systems, and home appliances, in your house or your neighbor’s house. 2. RFI from other electronic devices such as switching power supplies, 3. These filters help cure SWR problems between transceiver and a linear amp and between transceiver and antenna tuner or direct to antenna. The DC power line filter helps keep common mode current out of the power line which could cause interference to other devices connected to the same power source. These chokes use a ferrite core material that is effective in suppressing RFI from transmitters and receivers experiencing a high noise floor in the 1-300 MHz range. The ferrite split beads and ring filters are easy to use, don’t require modification of the protected equipment and work in almost all cases, even when plug-in filters fail. Kit Includes 2 noise reduction ring filters for coax and AC/DC power and 3 snap on filters for I/O cables. Quick installation – immediate RFI/noise reduction. No radio mods required. For additional RFI suppression, use a feed line choke at the antenna feed point to suppress common current on the coax feed line during TRANSMIT and a CMNF-500-50 coax noise filter at the radio end of the coax to reduce common mode noise during RECEIVE. If you use a linear amplifier use a Palomar Engineers amplifier RFI kit for additional RFI interference suppression.
EXAMPLE -2 (자료출처 : https://qrznow.com/noise-reduction-in-your-shack/ )
Noise reduction in your shack – RFI
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